The BugOut Run... Get Buggin'
MyMedic is fortunate enough to participate in an awesome new adventure race: The BugOut Run.
The event has been developed by Jorge Garcia and it's simple, fun, and satisfying but is best explained from the BugOut Run website:
"The BugOut Run is a free series of trail runs/hikes that are designed for people of all ages and abilities. The purpose of this series is to encourage participants to put into action their preparedness/survival skills, to share those skills with others and then in turn learn new skills and learn of areas of needed improvement.
Each BugOut Run is designed as a 3-5 mile run/hike in a different terrain and location. No BugOut Run is the same. Terrain will differ from mountain, desert, tropic to even an urban setting from event to event. Each location and scenario will bring it's own scenarios and needed preparations and it's up to you to prepare for those needs.

One other unique characteristic of the BugOut Run is that the location of the meet-up will not be revealed until 72 hours before the start of the event. We'll give you location coordinates, but you won't know what kind of terrain or scenario to prepare for until you receive that information via email from us 24 before the event.You will have this time to prepare.
*No BugOut bag is needed"

MyMedic was on the scene providing Basic First Aid training to the participants and we were able to catch a glimpse of our First Aid Packs on the backs of some of the runners. Luckily there weren't any injuries but the runners with our Packs would have been ready to help themselves and those around them.
Make sure you check out the dates of the upcoming races here.
We can't wait to see you out there on the trail next time because the MyMedic Race Team will be running with you and continuing to ensure we are there to take care of everything from hurt feelings to broken bones.
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