My Family's Protector Part 3: JoLynn
"I’ve seen it all as an ER nurse, and as a mother. Nothing beats being prepared."
I spent thirteen years as an E.R. registered nurse in a Southern California hospital. Working there I saw everything from paper cuts, to gunshot wounds, to head trauma from playground accidents.
As a mother 5 children myself, I’ve learned that nothing beats being prepared.
Even though all my children are now adults, the most important thing to me as a mother, even to this day, is ensuring my children are safe. Having the first aid supplies always around has been such a blessing in my life.
I remember a specific incident at a church event in my neighborhood years ago.
All of the kids were playing together as they normally would, and then suddenly one of the other kids picked up a swing and hit another kid so hard his eyebrow split open. As you can imagine, everyone became hysterical.
Luckily I had my first-aid kit and supplies on me and I was able to tend to him immediately. If I wasn’t prepared (none of the other parents knew what to do), things could have been much worse.
First aid has always been the biggest priority in my family, and in my life. I am blessed to have children that learned these lessons and take care of their own families with that same care and attention that I showed them.
Even for mothers who don’t have any sort of medical background or training, having a first-aid kit on-hand is the absolute best way to protect your family.
My children growing up learned not just from my experiences, but from their own as well. A lot of accidents happen in a house with 5 active kids.
The stapler always had a place in my house for small head lacerations. Splints were necessary when my boys would collide on their dirt bikes (yes, really). Every family has things happen.
At the end of the day, as mothers we just want our children to stay safe, and stay alive. With a first-aid kit, you’ll never be caught off guard.
Jolynn’s Kit: MyFAK Advanced - Red