How To Stay Calm Part 1: First Aid Kit Preparedness

First aid can be complicated - My Medic Minute teaches advanced first aid principles so you have the knowledge and confidence to save a life.

Staying calm in an emergency is a critical part of acting quickly and efficiently to save a life. One area you can prepare ahead of time is your first aid kit. Follow Billy’s tips to make sure your kit’s ready! - Stay Safe & Stay Alive!

Check Out Our First Aid Kits




Staying calm in an emergency is a critical part of acting quickly and efficiently to save a life. One area you can prepare ahead of time is your first aid kit. Follow Billy’s tips to make sure your kit’s ready! - Stay Safe & Stay Alive!

Weekly first aid training videos delivered to your phone. Learn how to apply chest seal, use a tourniquet, apply gauze, and more!

You’ve got your first aid kit, now what? The next step is to make sure everything is easily accessible. The last thing you need when an emergency hits is to be fumbling through your kit! In this video, Billy Haley, will show you how to prep and stow your kit; giving you ultimate peace of mind.

Easy to follow training at your fingertips.

Weekly first aid training videos delivered to your phone. Learn how to apply chest seal, use a tourniquet, apply gauze, and more!

Weekly first aid training videos delivered to your phone. Learn how to apply chest seal, use a tourniquet, apply gauze, and more!

Previous Trainings:

Tourniquet Myths Busted!

Check Out Our Tourniquets

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