Having a well stocked Medical kit is a cornerstone of my household. Always has been. From basic bandages to cold and flu medicine, I continually profess the need for individuals to put together a kit that suits their needs and compliments their medical knowledge and skill sets.
They look well put together
Bo Brantley
help may only be minutes away but sometimes, it’s the seconds that count! Be prepared!
Jackie walker
My son just got his emt and this would be a great gift
Having a well stocked Medical kit is a cornerstone of my household. Always has been. From basic bandages to cold and flu medicine, I continually profess the need for individuals to put together a kit that suits their needs and compliments their medical knowledge and skill sets.
They look well put together
help may only be minutes away but sometimes, it’s the seconds that count! Be prepared!
My son just got his emt and this would be a great gift
Safety first!
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