2022 Gift Guide for Men
Women are notoriously hard to shop for. But I would argue that men can be just as difficult! In my experience, fallback gifts for guys include clothes, soap, tools, or gag gifts. So if you want to be like everyone else in his life, go ahead and continue as normal. If you want to give him a gift that says, “I like you enough to keep you alive,” read on!
For the Hunter

Is it a purse? No, it’s a badass man bag! The TFAK is a tactical trauma first aid kit and is the perfect addition to a hunter’s (or any manly man’s) arsenal, whether you’re practicing at the range or hunting down your prize. This kit is especially important when you’re in the backcountry, where EMS could take over an hour to reach you. Accidental discharges and various other unexpected injuries can be life-threatening, so make sure all your buddies are prepared!
For the Daredevil
We all have that friend who’s just a little too carefree with their safety. Skydiving? It’s at the top of their bucket list. Drifting across a frozen lake? They’ve already done it. Jumping over too-wide and too-deep ditches that might as well be chasms? Good luck getting over that little heart attack. So, what’s the best gift for someone who’s always one dumb decision from breaking half the bones in their body? A fully equipped MyFAK Large medical kit, of course! With all the supplies and equipment they’ll need packed into the easy-to-carry bag, they and anyone else enthusiastic enough to go along with their shenanigans will have the equipment they need to take care of their injuries.

For the Prepared Guy
Who are you hitting up when the apocalypse comes? If you have a friend who likes being prepared and has the skills to back it up, the 20L Survival Kit is exactly what they need for their collection. Between the first aid supplies, Stay Alive Guide, and basic survival gear, they’ll be ready and willing to save you from any potential zombie outbreaks!
For the Fitness Enthusiast
Whether it’s for health reasons or they just want to get absolutely jacked, fitness friends need a first aid kit. For these guys, we recommend the Cycle Medic. This bicycle first aid kit straps straight to their bike and is small enough to take to the gym, and everywhere else their fitness journey may take them. You’d be surprised how often people get injured while working out, so make sure your friend is prepared for the possibility!
For the Beach Bum
Some people were just made for the beach, and these people need a kit that won’t fall apart or get dusty on any of their seaside adventures. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your water-loving friend, look no further than the Boat Medic! This kit comes in a waterproof, sand-proof, crush-proof, floating hard case that will have no problem keeping up with their exploits.
Every man in your life needs a kit just as rugged and manly as they are. This year, give the guys a gift that shows how much you appreciate them and how much you’d like them to stick around! Still not sure what to give your hiker friends for the holidays? Check out our hiker gift guide and cycle gift guide for more ideas!
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